Yes on All Three for Tempe
Tempe voters will have the opportunity to Fix our Streets, Improve our Parks, Decrease Emergency Response Times, Preserve our History, and Address the Housing Crisis by voting YES on Questions 1, 2, & 3 this fall.
Early voting begins October 10, and Election Day is November 5th
Candyce Lindsay
Invest in Tempe’s Future!
By voting YES on all three bonds, we are not just addressing critical improvements across our city, but we are also ensuring a safer, more accessible, and inclusive community for everyone. These bonds will fund essential upgrades to roads, bike paths, and pedestrian crossings, ultimately enhancing transportation safety and supporting Tempe's Vision Zero Action Plan aimed at reducing accidents.
Bond Question 1 will significantly improve facilities for our first responders, enabling them to act swiftly and efficiently in emergencies. This bond will provide our firefighters with additional trucks to meet the demands of our growing city and establish a much-needed police substation in North Tempe.
Bond Question 2 is dedicated to preserving Tempe’s rich history. It will fund the preservation of historic landmarks such as the Tempe Double Butte Cemetery and the restoration of Hayden Butte, along with other historic properties owned by the city. Preserving our history is a testament to our commitment to protecting our cultural heritage for future generations.
Bond Question 3 allocates crucial funding for affordable housing initiatives. This includes redevelopment projects and land acquisition, ensuring that Tempe becomes a more inclusive community where quality, affordable housing is widely accessible.
By supporting all three bonds, we are not only investing in infrastructure and public safety but also fostering sustainable growth and expanding opportunities for affordable housing. Let's vote YES to create a brighter, safer, and more inclusive future for Tempe and its residents.
Together, we can make a meaningful difference in our community's future!
Karyn Gitlis
Tempe Resident
With the help of a citizen-led committee appointed by then-Mayor Harry Mitchell, Tempe created an historic preservation program in 1994. The impetus for this process came
from a rise in neighborhood interest in and concern for the preservation of significant historic
and prehistoric cultural assets in the city.
Demolition of numerous historic residential and commercial structures occurred during this
time. I lived close to downtown Tempe in the Maple Ash Neighborhood. The neighborhood
included a number of Tempe Founders' homes. My recollection is that neighbors were suddenly aware of proposals to replace single-story houses with multi-family condominiums and apartment buildings. In addition, an entire block of substantial, obviously turn of the century lovely brick and stone homes on seventh Street north of University Road and east of Mill Avenue started to fall to the wrecking ball one by one. Pieces of our past were disappearing. Losses of these cultural resources have been devastating.
Our history is precious. To visit that history by touring the Eisendrath House in Papago Park or
the Elias-Rodriguez House on Eighth Street is to immerse yourself in a past that is relevant to
your present. It is possible to see yourself as part of a continuity that reveals itself layer by
layer. Learning details of the lives of ancestors is fascinating as well as a popular activity.
We only have a fraction of Tempe’s remaining cultural resources compared to what once existed – in Maple Ash, on Seventh Street, on the Rio Salado, in Downtown Tempe – a tiny wedge of one percent is all that remains.
Tempe needs to safeguard, restore and showcase these treasures. Please join the efforts to
preserve historic and prehistoric cultural resources.
Jennifer Adams, Arlene Chin, and Berdetta Hodge
Tempe Councilmembers
As your council members, we are dedicated to making Tempe the best place to live, work, and visit. Passing all three bond questions at once is the most cost-effective way to address some much-needed repairs to our roads, public safety, and parks and ensure additional access to affordable housing.
Question 1 focuses on enhancing community safety by repairing and maintaining our roads. By investing in these repairs now, we can prevent more costly fixes in the future and ensure safer, more reliable roads for everyone. We've made great progress with Vision Zero, and passing this bond will help us get even closer to achieving our goal, ensuring that everyone gets where they are going safely. Additionally, the bond allocates funds for constructing new fire stations #2 and #8 and a new police station in North Tempe. These projects are essential for keeping response times low and ensuring the safety of our growing community.
Question 2 aims to improve the quality of life in Tempe neighborhoods by renewing funding for our parks and historic preservation efforts. This bond will allow us to maintain and enhance our more than 50 city parks and invest in preserving our unique historic sites, ensuring they remain vibrant and integral parts of our community.
Question 3 builds on Tempe's progress in providing accessible and affordable housing. This significant investment will make Tempe a leader in affordable housing in the Valley, paving the way for other cities to follow. We want to ensure that everyone who wants to live in Tempe is able to do so.
Now is the time to pass these measures. Join us in voting YES on all three bonds to keep Tempe thriving.
Barbara Lloyd
Tempe Resident
Join me, Vote YES on all 3!
These bonds will significantly improve the overall quality of life for everyone who chooses to live in Tempe. As our community continues to grow and change, investing in our infrastructure and history is critical to enjoying all that Tempe has to offer for years to come.
Question 1: Enhance Community Safety Through Public Safety and Roadway Improvements. This initiative is a direct investment in our community's safety and well-being. It aims to make our streets safer for all, from cyclists to pedestrians, by enhancing pavement, crosswalks, and lighting. It also includes infrastructure upgrades and public safety improvements, such as new equipment for our firefighters and a police substation for North Tempe.
Question 2: Improve Quality of Life in Tempe Neighborhoods. This bond will help preserve our historic buildings and land, including "A" Mountain and Double Butte Cemetery. It also supports ongoing improvements to our neighborhood and community parks and sports fields and enhances our electric vehicle infrastructure.
Question 3: Increase Supply of Affordable Housing. This bond will provide additional funds to enhance our affordable housing supply, ensuring that more people have access to homes they can afford in our community.
By supporting these bonds, we are investing in the future of Tempe, making it a safer, more enjoyable, and inclusive place for all its residents. Vote YES on all 3!
Gabe Hagen
Owner, Brick Road Coffee
YES on All 3!
As a small business owner and proud Tempe resident, I wholeheartedly support the three bond questions on our upcoming ballot. These investments in public safety, quality of life, and affordable housing are crucial for our beloved city's growth and prosperity.
Bond Question 1, focusing on public safety and infrastructure isn't just about statistics, it's about creating a city where we all feel secure. Enhanced emergency services and better roads mean peace of mind for our families and a stable environment where our local businesses can flourish. The National Institute of Standards and Technology reports that every $1 invested in public safety infrastructure returns about $4 in economic benefits.
Bond Question 2 hits close to home for many of us. By improving our cherished parks and preserving historic gems like the Hayden Flour Mill, we're protecting Tempe's soul while boosting our economy. The Trust for Public Land states that every $1 invested in parks yields a $10 economic return through increased tourism, job creation, and enhanced property values.
Affordable housing, addressed in Bond Question 3, is a cause dear to my heart. Many of us know talented young people struggling to find affordable places to live in Tempe. My employees are among these people. The National Low Income Housing Coalition found that every $100 spent on affordable housing generates an additional $166 in economic activity. By tackling this issue, we're ensuring the next generation can put down roots here, contributing to our community.
These measures represent more than improvements – they're a declaration of our values and vision for Tempe's future. By voting YES, we're choosing to invest in a safer, more vibrant, and economically robust city we can all be proud to call home. I urge you to join me in supporting these three crucial measures.
Chris Sar
Why I’m voting YES on all 3 Bonds – and why you should too!
Tempe has been home to my family for over five generations. After college and briefly living out of state, my wife and I moved back to the Valley in 1997 and specifically chose to live in Tempe. We've built our lives and raised our three kids and countless pets in Tempe, building cherished memories along the way. Our kids learned to ride their bikes in our safe neighborhoods. They played in youth recreation programs and ran across the grassy hills and native desert of our neighborhood and community parks. They’ve visited fire station open houses and enjoyed holiday events throughout town and at the Town Lake. They graduated from local schools and participated in clubs, sports, and service projects. The City itself is almost another family member, there for each of our life changes and adventures. And now our children are continuing their adult lives in this wonderful city. Our city’s streets, sidewalks, bike paths, parks, historic properties – they all work to provide a community for all. It’s what makes our city special. This comes with a responsibility to keep it strong.
That's why we're proudly voting YES on all three bonds. These investments are crucial for ensuring Tempe remains vibrant and thriving for future generations. By supporting these bonds, you will support vital improvements to roads, bike paths, and public safety facilities, preserving our cultural heritage and expanding affordable housing opportunities. Join us in continuing to invest in Tempe's future. Let’s make sure this exceptional place remains exceptional.
Corey Woods
Mayor of Tempe
This November, we have the opportunity to expedite improvements to our city’s roads, reduce emergency response times, continue to make Tempe’s parks and greenspaces the envy of Arizona, preserve our City’s history, and keep proactively addressing our affordable housing challenges by voting YES on three crucial bond questions.
Bond Question 1 focuses on rapidly revitalizing our streets, creating top-quality pavement within the next five years. This transformational measure also includes expanding bike lanes and pedestrian crossings, implementing ADA improvements for better accessibility, and building more capacity for our first responders.
Bond Question 2 is dedicated to preserving Tempe’s heritage and enhancing the character that makes our city unique. This includes saving and maintaining historic properties, improving park facilities, and integrating modern technology to make public spaces more accessible and efficient.
Bond Question 3 addresses the urgent need for affordable housing, building on our Hometown for All initiative. This investment will increase the supply of quality attainable units, providing hard-working residents who want to call Tempe home the opportunity to do so.
The proposed bonds will deliver the improvements our residents need. Join me in voting YES on all three bond questions.
Corey Woods
Mayor of Tempe
Darlene R. Justus
Tempe Resident
This 2024 Special Bond Election looks very different to me, it's a “Tempe Quality of Life Bond Election”. Finally and comprehensively addressing the needs of our great city and its citizens, the things making Tempe special to all of us.
The Bonds address improved Safety, taking action on endangered Historic Preservation, fund long overlooked Maintenance of our streets and traffic concerns, making great strides addressing underserved folks with innovative and much needed affordable housing, and funding many park improvements across Tempe.
These Bonds strengthen our Safety, with an additional Police Substation, Fire Medical Rescue Stations with a modern Emergency Operations Center, and much Improved communication systems. Critical Fire vehicles will be replaced with modern and up to date equipment.
Historic Tempe buildings have fallen under the wrecking ball. These Bonds finally give Tempe the opportunity to actually save some of our declining inventory of historic properties. Tempe may even purchase the property and later resell, with comprehensive deed restrictions, preserving the historic integrity and yet re-activating an endangered property.
Our open air museum, the Tempe Double Butte Cemetery, cradles folks and their memories with many important stories to be remembered. The Tempe Historic Preservation Foundation has championed research, improvements and dedications at the cemetery. Our respect for those buried in the cemetery would be enhanced with restoration funding for remaining much needed Improvements.
Tempe Parks and Preserves need improvements, while respecting the habitats of both Turf and Desert Parks. The Preserves need trail restoration, mapping and signage, literature concerning the flora and fauna, and indigenous significance. Thereby educating citizens, visitors and school children, while shining a light of the gems we have in our midst, the Hayden Preserve and Tempe Papago Park Preserve.
Please vote yes for all bonds in this “Tempe Quality of Life Bond Election”.
Mike Scheidt President
Tempe Chapter
United Phoenix Fire Fighters Local 493
Fire Fighters: Vote Yes On Bonds to Make Tempe Safer!
Your firefighters urgently need your support. Please join us in voting YES on all three bonds to protect and elevate the quality of life in our city!
Your YES vote on these measures will significantly improve public safety in Tempe. Fast- tracking road improvements throughout the city and enhancing public safety infrastructure by modernizing and expanding our fire stations will improve 911 response times when you have an emergency. Your YES vote will allow the City to build a new Fire Station #8 at the NOVUS Innovation Center, build a new Fire Station #2, and renovate existing stations to incorporate health and wellness improvements. These upgrades will better accommodate male and female firefighters with improved bathroom facilities and private sleeping quarters, moving away from bunk-style accommodations. Additionally, ADA components will be integrated to ensure accessibility.
Voting YES on these bonds will also allow us to expand the Tempe ambulance program – again improving response times. The measures will also fund the replacement of aging firefighting equipment, the purchase of new pumpers, a Special Operations Support Unit, and a new Hazardous Material Unit. Finally, the bond initiative also provides for improvements to our dedicated firefighter training facility, ensuring that your first responders are ready to help you in a crisis.
Please vote YES on all three bonds to ensure Tempe’s firefighting capabilities meet current and future demands. This will help us do an even better job protecting your family and your property.
Thank you for supporting our Tempe bonds.
Greg Garcia
Tempe Resident
The November election is an opportunity for Tempe to save costs on needed infrastructure repair and construction, and to enhance our quality of life in Tempe.
Voting YES enables Tempe to take advantage of costs savings realized when making repairs on a condensed schedule, as opposed to spreading the schedule over decades. Accelerating the schedule also hedges against further inflation. By leveraging Tempe’s credit resources, we can realize these savings.
Voting YES also empowers the delivery of improved public safety to residents. Tempe has been fortunate to experience growth in many sectors. That growth provides stability for municipal operations and supports the foundations of our infrastructure. However, our growth and maturity drive a need for upgraded and additional public safety resources. The combination of improved roads and improved public safety will greatly enhance quality of life in Tempe, and further attract businesses that provide critical tax and employment bases for our residents.
As a maturing City, we must maintain our infrastructure and responsibly plan for future needs. The costs associated with such maintenance and planning cannot be avoided. In the absence of the proposed bond funding, City revenues will be utilized over decades to pay for the infrastructure. The benefit of the proposed bond funding is in cost savings that will be achieved through scale and accelerating the construction and maintenance schedule. These costs savings and the intangible benefits outweigh the expense associated with the bond funding.
Improved roads and infrastructure ensure safer travel. By supporting this initiative, we prioritize community well-being and improved emergency response times. Better roads attract businesses, enhance property values, reduce vehicle maintenance costs, and improve response time for our first responders.
As a long-time resident involved in community and nonprofit boards, I encourage you to vote YES - invest in our community!
Kendra Flory and Hannah Moulton Belec
Co-Founders, Broadmor Bike Bus
Tempe voters,
Please join us in voting YES on the three bond questions on your ballot this November.
We co-founded the Broadmor Bike Bus two years ago because we wanted to make Tempe a safer place for kids to bike and walk to school. We've long felt that Tempe can and should do more to achieve the goals of Vision Zero with better bike and pedestrian infrastructure and a more thoughtful approach to vehicle speed and enforcement.
Creating more accessible and vibrant communities depends on our city investing in our roadway infrastructure, our neighborhoods, and affordable housing. These three bond questions address these issues and more by allowing the city to sell bonds to provide funding for these efforts. Please join us in voting YES on all three.
Janet Hamlin
Vote YES on all 3!
I love Tempe, but our streets and bike lanes urgently need attention. Navigating roads with cracks and hazardous potholes is not only frustrating but also jeopardizes the safety of cyclists and drivers. It is time to invest proactively in our roads and streets now!
A YES vote on Question 1 will allow the city to swiftly address these issues. By approving this bond, we will improve our daily commutes, enhance safety for all residents, and streamline emergency response citywide. It will allocate essential funds to repair and enhance streets, bike paths, sidewalks, lighting, and city parking lots like those at the Tempe Library complex. Moreover, it will fund crucial left turn signals at busy intersections and allow Tempe to continue to upgrade pedestrian infrastructure to meet ADA requirements, ensuring greater accessibility for all residents and visitors.
Taking action now will significantly reduce long-term maintenance costs. Currently, according to the city website, road overlays for maintenance cost about $75,000 per mile, while reconstructing severely damaged roads can reach $400,000 per mile. Voting YES on Question 1 will bring all Tempe roads and streets up to an excellent standard and ensure more cost-effective maintenance in the future as well as ensuring that Tempe thrives as a community where everyone can travel safely and efficiently, regardless of their mode of transport.
With a united "YES" to all 3 Bond Questions, you are voting to improve our community safety and streets, our quality of life, and our supply of affordable housing.
Jesse Shank
Tempe Resident
As a proud Tempe resident, I'm thrilled to share my excitement about the three bond questions on our upcoming ballot. These aren't just addressing immediate needs—they're securing a brighter, more prosperous future for all of us. The direction our city is heading is truly inspiring, and these measures are a big part of continuing that journey.
Bond Question 1 focuses on improving our public safety infrastructure which is essential for our community's well-being. Better roads, enhanced emergency services, and improved facilities mean a safer, more connected Tempe. When our city is safe and accessible, it's easier for everyone to enjoy all Tempe has to offer. The Federal Highway Administration notes that infrastructure investments can reduce traffic delays by up to 30%, giving us more time to enjoy our beautiful city.
Bond Question 2 is where my heart really sings—investing in our parks and preserving our rich history. As an avid runner, I know firsthand how vital these green spaces are to our quality of life. They're where we gather, play, and enjoy nature—the lungs of our city. Preserving historic sites like Hayden Butte isn't just about honoring our past; it's about creating a vibrant destination for tourists and locals alike. Cities with well-preserved historical sites can see a 5-10% increase in tourism!
Bond Question 3 focuses on affordable housing, a game-changer for many families. It's about stability, security, and the opportunity to thrive. Studies show affordable housing can increase local employment rates by up to 5%, as people are better able to work and contribute when they have stable housing.
These measures represent a bold, forward-thinking plan to invest in Tempe's future. By voting YES, we're saying yes to a safer, more beautiful, and more inclusive city. Let's keep Tempe moving forward together!
Kim Gaffney-Loza
Voting YES on all three of Tempe's bond initiatives is essential to preserving our community's culture, values, and safety.
Bond Question 1 is crucial to ensuring the safety of our streets for all residents and first responders. This additional funding guarantees that our police and firefighters have the necessary facilities and equipment to continue protecting us. It will also finance essential stormwater improvements, which are especially important in North Tempe, where community members currently use sandbags in front of their homes to prevent flooding from heavy storm runoff.
Bond Question 2 will preserve Tempe’s rich heritage, which is represented in our historic buildings and places, such as Double Butte Cemetery. It provides funds to save historic sites that need to be preserved, as these places tell our origin story. This bond also helps maintain our parks, which offer recreation and serve as focal points for our neighborhoods' health, vitality, and well-being. Additionally, it honors our responsibility and commitment to our Native American neighbors to be good stewards of the land.
Bond Question 3 addresses an issue that affects us all: affordable housing. We need essential employees to live in and be part of our community. Tempe is a wonderfully diverse community that enriches us with culture, food, and innovative solutions to issues. Affordable housing is necessary to maintain a well-balanced community.
Please vote YES on all three of our bond initiatives to ensure Tempe’s vibrant future.
Lisa Zyriek
Tempe Resident
Preserve Tempe’s Historic Cemetery
The Double Butte Cemetery, a treasured site on Tempe's Historic Property Register, urgently needs restoration and upkeep. This cemetery is a testament to the diversity and history of our community, serving as the final resting place for Tempe's pioneers and modern-day residents. Among those buried here are Tempe’s founder, Charles Hayden, his son, Senator Carl Hayden, a Congressman, two governors, eleven Tempe mayors, numerous veterans, and others from all walks of life.
A recent needs assessment commissioned by the Tempe Historic Preservation Foundation has highlighted severe disrepair in the Pioneer Section, dating back to 1888. Grave plots and markers are deteriorating; essential features like fencing, irrigation, and the replacement of trees and vegetation also require significant attention.
Bond funding is imperative to comprehensively address these issues and undertake additional studies for the non-Pioneer Section to fully assess its needs. Restoring the cemetery to its former condition is crucial not only for historic preservation but also because it remains an active burial location serving our community. We have a unique opportunity to restore and conserve the historic elements while enhancing the cemetery’s ambiance, peace, and tranquility.
You can tell a lot about a city by how it honors its history. With your support, we can ensure the preservation of this invaluable piece of Tempe's heritage for generations to come. Please consider voting yes on Bond Question 2 to help restore the Double Butte Cemetery as well as Bond Question 1 and Bond Question 3.
Lou Silverman
Tempe Resident
We can vote on three city bonds that will drive Tempe’s growth and investment in the future. I hope you will join me in voting YES on all three.
Bond Question 1 focuses on enhancing the quality of our city streets. Bond funding will enhance safety for drivers and pedestrians by funding the construction, improvement, and repair of streets, bike paths, bridges, alleys, sidewalks, and crosswalks. This will fund improvements to traffic control systems, street lighting, and signage to address traffic congestion. It also includes critical infrastructure enhancements for flood control projects, helping to manage and mitigate the impacts of storms and floods effectively. In addition to these essential upgrades, it will support our first responders by modernizing police and fire stations, reducing response times, and enhancing service delivery.
Bond Question 2 will help preserve our historic sites and our parks. Tempe’s historic Double Butte Cemetery will receive restoration funds, and a fund will be established so the city can purchase historic properties when they become available. This bond also funds our city parks so we can continue to maintain our more than 50 city parks. It helps fund our urban forest program, so our city can continue improving our natural shade canopy. This is particularly important considering we seem to be getting hotter every summer with no end in sight.
Bond Question 3 will add a funding source to our affordable housing solutions. As former chair of the Tempe Community Action Agency Board, I understand the importance of how more affordable housing in Tempe can help our low-income seniors and others living on a fixed or low income. We must invest in solutions to provide affordable housing to all of our citizens.
Vote YES on these bonds to invest in Tempe!
Nancy Puffer
Tempe Resident
Residents have wanted these improvements for years.
As a motorist and cyclist who has called Tempe home for 40 years, I encourage Tempe voters to vote “yes” on all three ballot measures to improve our roads, enhance our parks, and increase our supply of affordable housing. By voting “yes,” we can make substantial and accelerated progress in addressing these issues that are consistently among the top priorities of our city’s residents. A “yes” vote on all three means repaved streets, enhanced bicycle infrastructure, improved safety, better heat mitigation and flood control, greater accessibility, upgraded parks and buildings, preservation of our historic places, and the construction of more affordable housing. By investing in these improvements now, we are investing in our quality of life and ensuring that Tempe remains a highly desirable place to live for many decades to come. I hope you’ll join me in voting yes on all three.
Nicole Brown
Tempe resident since 2012
Vote YES on All 3!
I am voting YES on All 3, but wanted to share my thoughts on Question 3. Bond Question 3 will authorize $32 million to increase the supply of affordable housing in Tempe. This investment is crucial to ensure that people who work in Tempe can afford to live there and have access to high-quality, safe, and affordable homes.
Putting $32 million into affordable housing is going to boost the number of affordable rental units, repurpose old buildings, and buy land for new housing projects. This means more high-quality, safe, and affordable homes will be available, making it easier for people who work in Tempe to actually live here too. It's another great step Tempe is taking to tackle the affordable housing issue.
This bond is all about getting things done efficiently. It’ll focus on redeveloping city-owned housing to add more high-quality, affordable rental units and turning existing buildings into rentals. By making the most of these opportunities, the city will also have the flexibility to buy land and upgrade properties for affordable housing, providing much-needed relief to families and individuals dealing with high housing costs.
High-quality, affordable housing is key for our community's stability and economic growth. It helps attract and keep a diverse workforce, boosting Tempe's overall growth and vibrancy. Supporting Question 3 is a step toward a fairer and more inclusive city where everyone has the chance to thrive.
Vote YES on all 3 to invest in Tempe so we can continue to be a city for everyone.
Paul Kent
Tempe Resident
Yes, Yes, Yes on all three!
As a Tempe resident since the 1980s, I’ve witnessed incredible growth and change in our community. This progress will continue with your support for the three proposed bond measures.
Question 1 will secure Tempe's future by investing in critical infrastructure for safer roads and improved emergency response times. This bond will fund the construction of new fire stations, ADA accessibility improvements, an Emergency Operations Center, and upgraded public safety communications equipment. These enhancements will ensure that residents benefit from improved safety and faster emergency services for generations to come.
Question 2 focuses on enhancing our city’s parks, preserving our unique history, and upgrading municipal infrastructure. As someone who cherishes Tempe's rich history and close-knit community, I believe this bond is vital. It will preserve endangered historic properties, improve city parks and urban forests, refresh our downtown area, and increase sustainability measures. These improvements will enhance Tempe's livability and ensure our city remains a unique and welcoming place for all residents.
Question 3 will advance the progress made with Tempe’s "Hometown for All" initiative, accelerating efforts to acquire land, increase affordable rental units, and expand housing options for those most in need. This bond will specifically target low-income seniors, people with disabilities, those experiencing homelessness, and families at risk. By supporting this measure, we are not just investing in housing—we are building a safe, inclusive, and supportive community where everyone can find a secure and affordable place to call home.
Join me in voting YES on all three bond measures to ensure a brighter future for Tempe!
Phil Amorosi
Tempe resident since 1975
Please join me in supporting the three city bond measures on the ballot: Questions 1, 2, and 3. Approving these bonds will help us to maintain and enhance our quality of life in Tempe over the next 5 years.
Question 1 will accelerate the resurfacing of our roads, enhance bike and pedestrian pathways, and build a new fire and police station to meet the needs of our growing population.
Question 2 focuses on improving our parks, playgrounds, historic preservation, and technical infrastructure so we can enjoy the amenities we have right in our neighborhoods.
Approval of Question 3 will create more funding for affordable housing. People keep asking the city to do more; with this bond, we can build on the success of Hometown for All and provide the extra funding needed so the city can build and repurpose more affordable housing, allowing people to live in the city where they work.
Please vote YES and approve these three important bonds. We should be proud that we live in such a forward-thinking city that cares about the quality of life for all its citizens.
Rob Ferraro
President, Tempe Officers Association
Tempe Police: Vote YES on all 3 bonds to enhance safety and infrastructure in Tempe!
The Tempe Officers Association strongly supports all three bond questions, as they will significantly improve our ability to serve the community. Question 1 is particularly important, as it allocates essential funds to enhance roads, police, and fire services, focusing on infrastructure and facility improvements that will enhance public safety.
Improvements to our roadways will make them safer for drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians. These enhancements will reduce accidents and emergency situations, making it easier for us to respond quickly when emergencies occur. By improving the condition of our roads, we can decrease emergency response times and thereby provide more efficient emergency services.
The Vision Zero Infrastructure Improvements focus on eliminating Tempe's fatal and serious injury crashes. This initiative includes improvements such as signal visibility enhancements, safety corridors, and pedestrian crossing upgrades, all in collaboration with the Police Department. These measures are crucial for achieving the goal of zero fatalities and serious injuries, ensuring that everyone gets where they are going safely.
A new police substation will house North Patrol Operations and parts of the Investigations Division, allowing for a more efficient restructuring of patrol services. The addition of a Central Patrol Bureau in downtown Tempe will further enhance our capacity to provide rapid response and comprehensive services.
By voting YES on all three bonds, you are supporting critical investments that will equip us with the tools and infrastructure needed to respond swiftly and even more effectively to emergencies and keep you safe.
Shereen Lerner
Tempe Resident
As a long-time resident of Tempe, I ask for your support of the bonds which address many needs that residents have been discussing for years.
Question 1 focuses on community safety through infrastructure (and road) improvements and providing our fire and police with additional stations and equipment. How many of us have hit a pothole and wondered when it was going to be fixed? Or have ridden our bikes on the streets and worried about our safety?
Question 2 is dear to my heart as it recognizes the importance and value of our heritage to our future. Our cultural and historic resources tell the story of Tempe and make us distinct from other places. These places provide connections to our residents and events that shaped our city and our collective history. Historic preservation involves protecting our past for future generations. Preserving the physical reminders of our past creates a sense of place and community pride. Our historic and archaeological properties are endangered and if we don’t act, we will lose our unique character. Money to preserve our historic places is an investment in our future. Historic preservation enhances real estate values, fosters local businesses, keeps historic main streets and downtowns economically viable. Heritage tourism is a real economic force, one that is evident in places that have preserved their historic character.
Question 3 focuses on affordable housing, specifically catering to our most vulnerable populations. Having served on the Boards of Tempe Community Council and Tempe Community Action Agency, I understand the importance in helping those in need. Many of us know what it is like to worry about how we will pay rent or buy groceries or have a relative who is struggling to make ends meet. The bond will help provide more affordable housing in Tempe.
Tom Duensing
Retired Chief Financial Officer
Dear Tempe Neighbors,
Please join me in voting YES for the three questions contained in the 2024 Special Bond Election. As a Tempe resident for 40 years and the retired Chief Financial Officer of the City of Tempe, I am writing to urge your support. The ballot questions directly address high priorities for this community which are critical to the future well-being and development of Tempe. Passage of these questions ensures safe and reliable assets for years to come.
The list of projects funded with bonds is lengthy, and the Capital Improvement Program is adopted through a lengthy and comprehensive process. Without approval of these bonds, a material number of projects simply will not be constructed.
Question No. 1: Enhance Community Safety Through Public Safety and Roadway Improvements - This funding directly supports our police and fire services, maintains and significantly improves our roadways and pedestrian infrastructure, and enhances the City’s storm drain systems.
Question No. 2: Improve Quality of Life in Tempe Neighborhoods - This funding directly supports our parks, historic properties and vital municipal infrastructure making Tempe the desirable place that it is.
Question No. 3: Increase Supply of Affordable Housing - Affordable housing is a major nationwide issue. This funding will allow Tempe to invest in land and other infrastructure that can then be leveraged into addressing the supply of affordable housing, thus fostering a diverse and inclusive community.
As someone who has raised a family in Tempe and been fully dedicated to the financial stewardship of this City, I can assure you that these investments are both prudent and Necessary.
I strongly encourage you to vote YES on all three bond questions. It takes all of us to a safe, vibrant, and inclusive Tempe.
Vice Mayor Doreen Garlid, Randy Keating,
and Nikki Amberg
Tempe Councilmembers
Over the past year, we spent countless hours knocking on doors and talking to thousands of Tempe residents, about the changes you want to see in our city. At every turn, you told us how important it is to fix our roads, enhance public safety, restore our parks and historical sites, and increase access to affordable housing.
These were your priorities, and now we present three critical bond measures that reflect the improvements most important to you. Join us and the rest of the Tempe City Council in voting YES on all three ballot measures.
Question 1 addresses community safety by ensuring our roads are repaired and maintained to prevent future costly repairs. It also allocates funds for new fire and police stations, enhancing our emergency response and keeping our city safe.
Question 2 is dedicated to enriching the quality of life in our neighborhoods by renewing funding for parks and historic preservation, ensuring they remain vibrant and cherished parts of our community.
Question 3 focuses on affordable housing, building on our Hometown for All and Tempe Works programs to ensure that Tempe remains a leader in housing accessibility for all residents.
We are grateful to live and work in Tempe, where community voices guide progress. Join us in voting YES on all three bond questions to make Tempe an even better place to live, work, and raise a family.
John Skelton
Tempe Resident
Tempe faces a pivotal moment where strategic spending can prevent greater costs in the future. By voting YES on all three bond questions, we are choosing to invest in our community's safety, infrastructure, and overall quality of life.
While no one likes additional costs, there are times when spending today saves us from much larger expenses down the road. This is one of those times. Bond Question 1 is dedicated to upgrading our roads and public safety infrastructure. We can bring all our roads to an excellent rating within the next 4-5 years. This will drastically reduce road repair and maintenance expenses from $400,000 to $100,000 per mile, saving us millions in the long run.
Additionally, the bond includes plans to build a new police station in North Tempe and two new fire stations: one on the existing site of Fire Station #2 and another in the Novus Corridor. Expanding our emergency services and upgrading our emergency response equipment will enhance our ability to respond quickly and effectively to emergencies. This will protect our citizens and increase property values by making Tempe a safer place to live.
Bond Questions 2 and 3 will invest in neighborhood enhancements and affordable housing, which will improve the quality of life for all residents. These measures will support economic growth, attract new businesses, and create jobs, further strengthening our city’s economic foundation. As a member of Tempe Community Action Agency Board, I have seen firsthand many of the needs of our vulnerable populations and believe the bond will provide opportunities for those in need.
Join me in voting YES on all three bonds to invest in Tempe’s safety, prosperity, and future. Let’s make the smart choice to ensure our city remains a great place to live for generations to come.
John Skelton, Tempe
Hugh Hallman
Former Tempe Mayor
The City of Tempe continues to achieve high marks fro its residents for the quality of its amenities, infrastructure and services. For more than 150 years, Tempe has achieved such community satisfaction because its residents have long-supported the City’s leadership when they put out the call. Now is just such a time.
Our City Council unanimously approved for your consideration the 3 Bond Questions on your November election ballot. Down the long list of candidates and issues, Tempe Bond Questions pose only one question really: Are we all ready to say “YES” to continuing Tempe’s tradition of of being the best community in which to live, work, play, and raise a family? To continue supplying the great benefits we receive by being a part of this wonderful community, we need to say “YES” to all 3 of Tempe’s Bond questions.
Doing so assures that we will continue to have responsive police and fire services, have safe roads, enjoy beautiful parks, and preserve our unique history. And, in a modest effort to address out housing shortage, City support for those struggling to maintain a place to call “home” in Tempe.
Please vote “YES” on all 3 of Tempe’s Bond Questions.
Hugh Hallman
Tempe Mayor 2004-2012
Tempe Bicycle Action Group
Supporting the three bond measures on the ballot is key to making our streets safer and
improving Tempe’s transportation system.
First, improving road and pedestrian safety will help everyone move around more easily. By
investing in better sidewalks, modern traffic signals, and safer bike paths, we can make our
streets safer for cyclists, drivers, and pedestrians alike. These improvements will reduce
congestion, making daily commutes smoother and faster for everyone. Enhanced lighting and well-maintained sidewalks will also create a safer environment for all residents.
Second, better neighborhoods mean a stronger community. Investing in parks, playgrounds, and sports facilities brings people together and encourages healthy living. Upgrading city buildings and making sure they are ADA-compliant will make Tempe more welcoming and accessible for all residents.
For the PQI acceleration initiative, it’s important to note that while smoother streets can lead to faster driving, the City’s plan to also add and improve bike lanes, sidewalks, and other active transportation infrastructure, along with increased traffic enforcement, aims to balance the benefits for all road users. Additionally, smooth streets benefit cyclists because rough pavement feels much worse for them than it does for drivers.
Lastly, we need more affordable housing to meet the growing needs of our community. Projects that redevelop city-owned land or repurpose existing buildings will create more opportunities for transit-oriented development. This will ensure everyone has a safe and affordable place to live and help promote economic diversity and stability in our city.
These projects, funded by the proposed bonds, will lead to a small increase in property taxes. However, the long-term benefits far outweigh the costs. By voting “yes” on these measures, we can help Tempe grow as a safe, inclusive, and vibrant community for all. Let’s build a better future for Tempe together.
-Tempe Bicycle Action Group
Community Support
Question 1
YES to Fast Track Road Improvements and Reduce Emergency Response Times
Main Problem/Solution: Every Tempe resident knows the feeling, the transition between another Valley city and Tempe and the subsequent feeling of driving on roads that are lower quality than those of our neighbors and getting stuck in congestion. It’s time to fix it and fix it fast.
At the same time, we’ll seize this opportunity to optimize public safety emergency response times across the city.
And we’re not stopping there because we MUST make things safer for our cyclists and pedestrians - and the checklist is long but a YES means repair of streets, right of ways, bike paths, bridges, alleys, sidewalks, crosswalks, lighting, and parking lots.
Bottom Line/Why: Ask Tempe residents what their top priorities are, and you will hear “roads”. By passing Question 1, we can improve our roads, reduce the wear and tear on our tires and vehicles, reduce road noise, increase our home values, and improve emergency vehicle response times. Acting now will result in a dramatic reductions in long term maintenance costs - inaction means $400,000 per mile in reconstruction versus $75,000 per mile in street overlay. As pavement ages, the condition decreases and the cost increases to keep the pavement in a drivable condition.
Question 2
YES for an even higher Quality of Life
Main Problem/Solution: Tempe is landlocked and it feels like our green space is getting squeezed. Your YES vote is a vote to:
Enhance parks and invest in our recreational facilities
Ensure our city is accessible to people with disabilities
Preserve and protect Tempe’s unique historic properties
Bottom Line/Why: This is about protecting Tempe’s character, past, present, and future - enhancing our existing parks and recreational spaces, preserving our historic places, and making it easier for Tempeans of all abilities to get around town. A YES means that we can protect what we have now and ensure we all can enjoy an even greater quality of life in the future.
Question 3
YES to Start Solving Tempe’s Housing Crisis
Main Problem/Solution: This is a concrete step toward implementing the 2050 General Plan approved by Tempe voters in March. People are commuting up to an hour to work in Tempe, adding congestion on our streets because they can’t afford to live here. Parents often talk about how their kids can’t afford to buy a house here.
A YES vote will-
Provide the City with the opportunity to create additional housing supply that will give people who work in Tempe the potential to live in Tempe, keeping their cars off our roads and their dollars going to Tempe small businesses.
Will address Tempe’s housing shortage while protecting/preserving our neighborhoods.
Bottom Line/Why: This is about maximizing the opportunities we have at the lowest possible cost to address Tempe’s housing shortage. The passage of the bond will give Tempe the potential to purchase land with the goal to develop affordable housing and make a solid commitment to become more affordable in the future. There is also the potential to unlock federal matching funds.