TEmpe Together
DOES NOT: change any of Tempe’s existing single-family neighborhoods
DOES NOT: raise taxes
DOES: ensure Tempe keeps up with our neighboring cities and is prepared to face the challenges of tomorrow by:
• Incorporating climate resiliency and environmental stewardship that will ensure Tempe remains a regional leader in sustainability
• Creating a diversity of new housing options to give Tempe residents a chance to buy their first home or rent where they work
• Enhancing community safety by supporting improvements to Tempe’s roads while upgrading bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure
• Embracing emerging national trends such as micromobility and remote working
• Investing in protecting the quality of life for every Tempe resident while responsibly preparing for our shared future.

What is it?
Proposition 478 represents the General Plan 2050, a document that was meticulously crafted by Tempe residents, city staff, and elected leaders. Arizona law requires every city to adopt a longterm, comprehensive General Plan that guides a city’s physical growth.

Why now?
It’s time for an update. The current General Plan 2040 is effective for up to ten years from the date the plan was adopted by Council (December 2013) and ratified by Tempe voters (May 2014). The changes are necessary to effectively plan for the future by incorporating feedback from current residents and utilizing up-to-date data. Passing Prop 478 fulfills that requirement.

Who supports it?
There is overwhelming support for voting “Yes” on Prop 478, including firefighters, police officers, local businesses, neighborhood leaders, Mayor Woods, and your City Councilmembers.

Seth and Susan Chalmers
North Tempe Residents
Tempe is our home and has been our home for over 30 years. We love this city and everything it provided our family as we raised our two sons here. Whether it was summer’s spent at the Tempe Public Library, going to have dinner at Macayo’s Depot Cantina and then seeing a movie downtown, or watching our boys learn to play many different sports at Kiwanis, our family’s roots here are deep. And while some elements of our City have changed, it remains a community we love.
This past year was a hard one for our city and, in fact, we voted differently on the Coyotes’ arena deal. One of us yes on all three and the other no on all three. I’m sure we weren’t the only household in Tempe that had that disagreement. That said, we’re glad the Tempe City Council sent the proposal to the ballot rather than just rammed it through - a decision like that is one that we as a city needed to make collectively.
Prop 478 is also one that we need to make collectively and it is one that Tempe needs to come back together on. We are voting yes on Prop 478 to pass the General Plan 2050 because we do not want to see Tempe fall behind our neighboring cities. We want our city to continue to grow and evolve with a clear strategy that is inclusive, collaborative, and innovative but also is clearly driven by resident input. That is Prop 478 and we ask you to join us in voting yes!